Photo by Kelsey Kimberlin
Raise your hand if there is a fashion that you feel like you are not “allowed” to wear.
Being in any body comes with its own set of insecurities, hangups, and unique idiosyncrasies — but being in a fat body can be really tough. The things that our thin-bodied and even just small-fat counterparts take for granted can feel like scaling a social mountain for those of us in bigger bodies. Visible belly outlines (or VBO, for short) are particularly fraught territory.
Often times, these little differences can make us feel worse and even drive wedges between the many different fat and body positive communities. It’s important to remember that while we do not all share the same exact experiences, we can support and hold one another through the day-to-day stress — often just through the simple act of making ourselves visible.
Even the most body-positive of us have our hangups. Some can walk the beach in a fatkini or pose topless, but the idea of exposing their arms in a formal or office environment sets their stomachs in knots. Others can wear see-through clothing, but the idea of showing off their legs is stressful. Most of us, regardless of size, experience some form of this.
For many, it’s the simple act of tucking their shirt into pants or skirts.
Fat people are taught that our bellies are meant to be hidden and minimized at all times. That our rolls are not allowed to be mentioned and must be masked. However, many office dress codes require that we tuck things in, and administrators will still shake their heads and mumble body-negative barbs because our bodies defy the norm in their uniforms. Those of us with “double” or “B-shaped” bellies rarely see examples of other folks tucking their shirts in, and if we do not see it, you can be certain that straight-sized folks don't either.
Your body is not the problem. Simple fashions must be accessible to us all and we can start making it feel like less of an obstacle by being visible and showing others conquering these seemingly small challenges.
This week, we set aside whimsy and fantasy and go for form and function: let’s celebrate babes who rock a tucked in shirt!
1. Bessie Pledger (@bessiepledger)
Australian Instagrammer Bessie Pledger rocks a tucked in look with fall’s most vibrant color: red. Use it to really pump up the color value of a nice, basic pair of great pants.
2. Maui Bigelow (@phat_girl_fresh)
Georgia-based blogger babe Maui Bigelow shows off a classic look with a modern twist. The perfect androgynous option, a well-fitting white t-shirt and great pair of jeans can take you far, and you can dress it up or down — feminine or masculine — depending on accessories.
3. Lisa Schoenberger (@mustangsallytwo)
A perfect mashup of casual comfort with office wear, Lisa Schoenberger keeps the outfit looking neat and together by tucking it in. Check out that luscious cranberry color!
4. Corissa Enneking and the Fat Girl Flow Fam (@fatgirlflow)
Not just one but four VBO’s in magically tucked or crop top glory! Celebrate your body and your right to be fed up with fatphobia in this “Fat Bitch” shirt.
5. Chastity Garner Valentine (@garnerstyle)
Chastity keeps it casual in this super wearable look. A stylish tuck and great shoes keep it looking put together and prevent it from slipping too far into leisurewear.
6. Anna O’Brien of Glitter and Lazers (@glitterandlazers)
New Yorker Anna plays with prints in this Casual Friday look. Make it more femme or masc depending on how you accessorize!
7. Saucye West (@saucyewest)
Saucye West, “Your Favorite Fat Girl,” shows off her frame in this super casual look for her #FatAndFree and #ThisIsWhat400LbsLooksLike campaigns.
8. Stella (@superbstella)
Stella rocks casual cool in this super simple black and olive leisure look. Incredibly accessible but stylish, this look is great for high femmes and masc alike.
9. Michelle Matthews for Proud Mary (@proudmaryfashion)
Michelle shows off her VBO in this hilariously clever Proud Mary parody tee.
10. Kate McHugh Westfall (@high_five)
Showing support for the #FatAndFree campaign, Kate proudly shows her fabulous form-fitting crushed velvet skirt with a blouse tucked in.
11. Flames and Sparkles (@flamesandsparkles)
Unnamed ‘Grammer @FlamesAndSparkles shares her story of proudly rocking her VBO with this bodysuit and denim look.